Making Money With Link Shortener Service

The concept behind a link shortener service is to create a little link from a big URL that is difficult to remember and cannot be posted in a place with limited text. A short link can be quickly sent by SMS with your feedback.

Short links and money

Can you make real money with link shortener services (aka URL Shortener)?

Link shortener service providers let you create a small bespoke link from a long URL, and they pay you to share it where visitors click and view the ad page for 5-10 seconds, and you get paid because you work behind the scenes.

More than two years ago, I believe it was everywhere: how to generate money with a link shortener service? There were some phony URLs with no value that was shared on social media platforms. Because of spam posts, you can no longer publish link shortener URLs to Facebook walls.

So most of the paid URL shorteners are banned on social platforms. You can use Great Link Shortener Services to shorten the link to paste on YouTube and Facebook that are not restricted. Also, see if interested in making some money with Link shortener service providers.

See it

View of making link short
short url

Below are two text boxes: one for entering URLs and one for creating custom tags. Paste the long URL you wish to shorten and your tag, then click the button to generate a short link. Now you can easily share it on posts and via SMS because it is brief and requires 10-20 characters.

When it comes to money and making money in a few steps, people go crazy, which is why Facebook blacklisted some URLs. As a result, you cannot earn money by posting short links on social media platforms. Some URLs are not allowed on community sites because they contain the same information again.

How I can earn if Facebook doesn’t allow me to post a link

Social networking is an excellent way to promote any material and stay in touch. We constantly use it to promote content, services, and products. There are numerous community sites that you may join and establish a following to contribute anything; however, not all of them are effective in generating responses. Some of the blogs I discovered have posts older than a year. In my experience, one must first establish visitors; if you go to community sites, even if they are modest, you may receive hits, but not always. People start begging or exchanging these links, which will result in their ban. Writing about your knowledge and including links to similar blogs and images is an excellent idea.

Major community sites do not allow paid links; my Facebook comment was removed because I included an link. Not all websites have the same terms; Facebook is so popular that people use it on a daily basis, and spammers are everywhere.

Posting on forums

Search for a forum on your interest and start a new thread that you can keep alive. Do not post hourly but once or twice a day, update it regularly.

This method was flooded years ago. So large or small forum, no one likes their site to flood with links that go out.

You may get a limited number of such links or even affiliate links are permitted on some forums. Just read the terms and support them in all the way, so they will support you.

I personally lost some of my too-good pages on profile sites, because of self-promotion. They said shameless self-promotion.

Conclusion: Link shortener service to hide affiliate links

You don’t want to share an affiliate link on the web without using HTML code, but you do want to keep it short. Short URLs, links, and affiliate links can be hidden in comments and replies, making them suitable for micro-blogging sites with character limits of 10-15.

You can double your earnings by creating short links to affiliate programs. Remember this might not accepted on the platform, read the terms before using this.

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