As there are lots of ideas to make money online MyLikes is one of them. An advertising network tries to take advantage of influencers who have exciting followers/like.
How does MyLikes work?
You get a free hosting space when you sign up. As a publisher, you can browse through the category for viral content and add it to your website. When your followers or anyone visit and click on any of the content, you get paid for that content.
You will realize the contents of the library is all advertising contents. Advertisers pay for clicks and MyLikes send clicks, with the help of publishers. It allows publishers to choose which content they want on their site. Then get traffic to the content to make money.
For the example of content you can visit
If you would like to promote your services then join as an advertiser or as a publisher to earn money by sharing their contents.
How to start?
Join MyLikes free as a publisher. In earlier days anyone could join with low traffic. This time you need to have your verified facebook page or more than 10,000 likes.
When I started with MyLikes I had some hundreds of Twitter followers and not more than ten Facebook likes/followers and Pinterest followers. After realizing the concept to make money with it, I started getting more followers on these three accounts by showing more activity on many pages.
Later they upgraded their terms which require more than 10,000 Facebook likes or connect a verified Facebook page to continue earning with it.
My first and last earned amount was $25. Now I can not countinuew it with less than 500 Twitter, 90 Facebook and 10 Pinterest people.
It is all about traffic, how much you can engage the audience the large amount you can earn. As their statistics shows the highest earning user makes $50k.
Join free and then add you social pages where you have the large audience. This promotion does not need anyone to have domain name or site, you just have to tell them the source of traffic you are going to post their links. If you have a domain name you can add it and all your share contents will be stored in a place and people can visit anytime and see all these stories by using the domain.
How to get traffic to the contents or promote?
No doubt here, the answer is simple through social sites. Now as their terms you need a verified Facebook or more than 10k likes.
Whatever the process you are going to use let they know it. Suppose the site and all your social pages where you shares their contents. They do not care where the traffic come from, only care the legitimate traffic and that click the advertiser’s contents.
You can set your domain name so all these contents will be in one place and easy to access by your followers. Nameserver needs to add to your domain name provider, see the setting page.
Do not do while sharing the contents
As MyLikes rates are low comparing to other networks even you can earn more than $50 within 1-2 week if you have the large audience. They care about real visitors click advertisers contents, so rules are strict. All have to follow the simple rules to avoid suspension of the account.
- Do not share on social media contains hate, malware or spam.
- Do not post on sites/forums/social page which you do not control.
- Posting missleading/false message to make people click the contents.
- Posting links on social media which contains excessive adult of offensive languages.
- Posting links on social media which caontains excessive automated content.
- Consistently posting links that are irrelevant to your audience.
- Excessive repeat link posting.
- Click spam using automated techniques/asking people to click.
- Disparaging MyLikes in public forum.
Follow the terms and conditions to keep earning good money if you decide to promote their contents. Breaking the rules will lead immidiet account suspension and they will not pay any balance.